Road and Mountain BIking for the fun of it! Tailwind Tours
970-871-TOURS {8687}


This list will help you rate yourself. Don’t worry if you are traveling with someone with a higher or lower rating-we will devise a system that works for everyone.

Mountain bike rating system:

  1. You have little or no experience riding on terrain other than pavement or flat dirt/gravel roads.

  2. You have ridden your bike on gentle off-road terrain, and can control your bike on slightly uneven surfaces including sand, gravel and mud.

  3. You can control your bike speed and direction on moderately steep ascents and descents. You feel comfortable riding for several hours on moderate terrain.

  4. You are comfortable on steep and technical single track, and are confident doing small jumps, ledges and drops. You do long single track rides that might include mountain passes and large elevation gains.

  5. You are a skilled and confident rider who enjoys all types of terrain, including steep and twisty technical single track, larger drops, ledges and jumps. You have participated in multi-day events, races, hill climbs or other physically challenging exercises. You are aware of your limitations and try to challenge them on nearly every ride.

Road bike rating system:

  1. You have ridden a bike but have little or no experience touring or riding in groups.

  2. You ride a bike regularly for casual exercise and have some experience touring, riding in groups or commuting.

  3. You love to ride your bike and do so for exercise at least several days a week. You like to challenge yourself regularly and do centuries and group rides.

  4. You train nearly every day and push yourself hard with extended tours, racing, and hill climbs. You relish rides with major elevation gains and multiple mountain passes in a day.

Style rating system:

  1. You wear shoes that match your outfit and are happy using whatever pedals are on the rental bike.

  2. You own cycling shoes and are comfortable using clipless pedals.

  3. You have both road and mountain biking shoes and when you travel you bring your own pedals and shoes along. You would prefer riding your own bike on a cycling vacation, but if it’s too much of a hassle, a higher-end rental would do.

  4. You own multiple pairs of expensive cycling shoes. All of them have the stiffest carbon fiber soles available and are equipped with custom insoles or shims. You would never consider going on a cycling trip without bringing your own bicycle, because it fits you perfectly.